Check Your Economic Impact Payments
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 authorized a third round of Economic Impact Payments for eligible individuals. This payment is a rebate paid as an advance refund of the 2021 Recovery Rebate Credit, which is a refundable tax credit for tax year 2021.
Most eligible individuals received their advance third Economic Impact Payment around April 2021, in the amount of $1,400 per individual. The final amount of the 2021 eligible payment will be determined when taxpayers file their 2021 income tax returns, and that amount will be reconciled with the payments previously received.
As such, Economic Impact Payments will need to be reported on all 2021 income tax returns.
In January 2021, the IRS will send taxpayers Letter 6475 indicating the total amount of advance payments received. Please provide a copy of the letter with your income tax information.
If you do not have a copy of the IRS letter you may log-in to your IRS account at the link below to view and print a copy of your Economic Impact Payments received.